Write throughput is bounded by the time to process the write on the CPU (parsing, sorting, etc..), adding and evicting to the Cache and appending the write to the WAL. The first two items are CPU bound and can be tuned and optimized if they become a bottleneck. The WAL write can be tuned such that in the worst case every write requires at least 2 IOPS (write + fsync) or batched so that multiple writes are queued and fsync'd in sizes matching one or more disk blocks. Performing more work with each IO will improve throughput
Write latency is minimal for the WAL write since there are no seeks. The latency is bounded by the time to complete any write and fsync calls.
Query throughput is directly related to how many blocks can be read in a period of time. The index structure contains enough information to determine if one or multiple blocks can be read in a single IO.
Query latency is determine by how long it takes to find and read the relevant blocks. The in-memory index structure contains the offsets and sizes of all blocks for a key. This allows every block to be read in 2 IOPS (seek + read) regardless of position, structure or size of file.
前几天看到ES的测试工具 rally 中用了Actor模型,于是突发奇想,找一个基于Akka的测试工具,于是找到了 gatling 。我的想法是如果底层使用Akka的话, 利用Akka-cluster应该很容易实现分布式测试。然而这个功能在商业版中才有。
使用Zip bundle
从 下载zip包。并解压到某处,然后在 user-files/simulations/computerdatabase/
目录里面增加test case。
用这种方式,有个弊端,就是我想添加依赖的jar包的话,就只能手动将包放到 lib
或者使用SBT Plugin
git clone
从 github clone 官方提供的,使用 gatling-sbt
插件的 demo,然后在 src/it/scala
中增加test case就可以了。
在写完test case 之后,运行 sbt gatling-it:testOnly a.b.c(完整类名)
简单的test case
Gatling自己有一套完整的http调用的api,并且压力测试还需依赖于通过这套api获得的请求结果,所以 influxdb-java
libraryDependencies += "org.influxdb" % "influxdb-java" % "2.3"
一个简单的query test case
1: package org.xusheng.influxdbloadtest 2: 3: import io.gatling.core.Predef._ 4: import io.gatling.http.Predef._ 5: import scala.concurrent.duration._ 6: 7: class InfluxQuerySimulation extends Simulation { 8: val httpConf = http 9: .baseURL("") 10: 11: val h = http("query").get("/query").queryParam("db", "mytest").queryParam("q", "select sum(value) from cpu where time > now() - 1m") 12: 13: val scn = scenario("query").exec(h).pause(1 minute) 14: 15: setUp(scn.inject(atOnceUsers(1))).protocols(httpConf) 16: }
influxdb的查询就是一个普通的带query parameter的get请求,所以这里没什么好说的。
一个简单的write test case
1: package org.xusheng.influxdbloadtest 2: 3: import io.gatling.core.Predef._ 4: import io.gatling.http.Predef._ 5: import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit 6: import scala.concurrent.duration._ 7: import org.influxdb.dto._ 8: 9: class InfluxWriteSimulation extends Simulation { 10: val httpConf = http 11: .baseURL("") 12: 13: val p = Point.measurement("cpu").addField("value", scala.util.Random.nextInt(100)).tag("partner", "hello").time(System.nanoTime(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS).build() 14: 15: val h = http("write").post("/write").body(StringBody(p.lineProtocol())).queryParam("db", "mytest") 16: 17: val scn = scenario("write") 18: .exec(h).pause(1 second) 19: 20: setUp(scn.inject(atOnceUsers(1))).protocols(httpConf) 21: }
一个Query 和 Write 组合的test case
1: package org.xusheng.influxdbloadtest 2: 3: import io.gatling.core.Predef._ 4: import io.gatling.http.Predef._ 5: import scala.concurrent.duration._ 6: 7: class InfluxWriteQuerySimulation extends Simulation { 8: 9: val httpConf = http.baseURL(Generator.url) 10: 11: val hw = http("write") 12: .post("/write") 13: .body(StringBody { session => 14: Generator.genBatchPoints(session.userId, isWriter = true).lineProtocol() 15: }).queryParam("db", Generator.db) 16: 17: val scnw = scenario("write").exec(forever{ 18: exec(hw).pace(1 second, 2 seconds) 19: }) 20: 21: val hr = http("query"). 22: get("/query"). 23: queryParam("db", Generator.db). 24: queryParam("q", { session => 25: Generator.getQueryStringByUserId(session.userId, isWriter = false) 26: }) 27: 28: val scnr = scenario("query"). 29: exec(forever{ 30: exec(hr).pause{session => Generator.getIntervalByUserId(session.userId, isWriter = false)} 31: }) 32: 33: setUp( 34: scnw.inject(rampUsers(Generator.userCount).over(Generator.duringSeconds seconds)), 35: scnr.inject(rampUsers(Generator.userCount).over(Generator.duringSeconds seconds)) 36: ).protocols(httpConf) 37: }
稍微赘言几句,这个test case里面定义了两套动作,一是write,以1到2秒的停顿时间,生成一个包含1到5000个点的BatchPoint,发送write请求到influxdb;二是query,以1分钟一次或是10分钟一次的速度,向influxdb请求1分钟或是10分钟或是30分钟或是1小时或是1天或是7天的数据。这其实是模拟了公司的一个需求。我们想知道的是到底单台influxdb能够容纳多少个用户实例。